pics from tonight’s reading

brenda hillman:

barbara claire freeman

sara mumolo

sara mumolo taking a pic of brenda hillman (click to enlarge)

host valyntina grenier

the audience (about 30-5 people) seemed nice to the other readers, but when i got up there, they started booing and hissing. even the host gave my the finger (she’s on the right)! a-holes! last time i ever read for life long press!!!


well, at least i got brenda to sign my copy of her first book, White Dress. and I got to meet Trevor Calvert–who’s supercool. maybe he will trade his first book with me. also, the one and only javier huerta came to the reading! he was kind enough to join me & my lady friend for some tasty italian food after. and the waiter was totally flirting with him! haha maybe he’ll tell you about it in the comments. turns out that javier is working on a new screenplay for a film called ‘Chicano Pie’–a chicano version of American Pie. apparently there’s a scene with enchiladas and, well, you know.

anyhoo, have to sleep cuz i have a flight to long beach in the morning. wish me luck at this reading!


2 thoughts on “pics from tonight’s reading

  1. Tell me you are making up the part about the enchiladas. TELL ME.

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